not a damn thing!
written on 2002-11-18 at 9:09 a.m.

Well, I didnt do a damn thing yesterday and it felt soooo good! I woke up when Nick left for work and just sat on the couch and hung out with Sean. then Erzy came home and the three of us sat and watched a movie....Then Alan came over. That sucked pretty much. He was being such a jerk to me and Erzy. He was talking to us like we were his kids or something.... But then he left! Then my Nick came home! Yea!!! I love him so much1 I cant describe the feeling I get when Im with him... I dont know, its just awesome! I really hope it lasts this time. Not that Im blaming Nick for anything. It was totally me, both times, I just get scared b/c I feel like its my turn to get hurt by him... I dont know, just being my normal paranoid self again...

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