written on 2004-05-11 at 7:45 a.m.

Well world, not much has changed. We still arent talking, not even looking at eachother. oh well, right? Theres nothing I can do. Im not about to give in and appologize just for the sake of us speaking again. I am always the one to apologize and Im not doing it this time.

Work has been tough, alot of stress going on with the new system and all. I almost called in "sick" today but I didnt. What would I do that for? So that I can sit at home on the couch and do nothing all day? Yeah, now theres a good time! Matt had yesterday off and I was kinda bummed. I wanted to talk to him. He is a good listener. Hes just a good friend in general. Im glad I met him. I think I might ask him if he wants to hang out sometime. I dont know. We'll see. Ive had thoughts of asking him before but never acted on it b/c of the b/f. From now on I am gong to do what makes ME happy. A big chang from the norm!

Gav has been having problems with her b/f too. I feel guilty b/c I know she needs to talk about it but I have been so wrapped up in what has been going on with me and B that I havent had the energy to be the kind of friend she needs right now.

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