Just kind of here
written on 2004-05-14 at 8:07 a.m.

Its Friday, Thank God! I need a break! Yesterday was a long day for me... dont really know why, it just was.

Matt asked me if I wanted to go get an ice cream with him yesterday. I said yes but we didnt go. I think I will ask him if he wants to go on Sunday. He is working on Sunday so I can just meet him here once he gets out.

Bobby and I still arent talking and thats okay with me right now. He saw mw with my hair down and didnt say anything. That was nice of him now wasnt it... Jerk.

My uncle will be staying with my parents for the weekend. There is a memorial service for my other uncle so this one is coming down for that.

I hung out with Erin last night for a little bit. I talked mostly about Matt. She thinks I liek him but its really not like that. He is just what I need right now. I good friend, a good MALE firend. All my other frinds are girls. Its good to have a guys perspective on things... and hes funny to boot! I think that is where I screwed up with Nick. I made what we had into a relationship when really all I needed was a good guy friend. I think thtas why I liked hanging out with his friend Sean so much. Sean was the one that was actually giving me what I wanted. I just didnt realize it. Im not saying I didnt have feelings for Nick, but I think more than that,I had feelings for the way Nick treated me. There are MANY things about our lifestyles that didnt match up. In fact we were on complete opposite sides of the field on alot of things.

Then theres Bobby, where everything about our lifestyles is right in tune, but I hate the way he treats me, or doesnt treat me. He not affectionate at all. Not to mention the fact that his attention span is... nonexistant.

I dont know. I guess I am in a kind of "floating in space" state in my life. Nothing is certain, I dont know where Im going or what Im doing. Just kind of here.

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